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Don’t Be Afraid of the Scale!

Updated: May 2, 2022

If you have the RIGHT scale - it is actually your friend!

Don't dread the scale -- change your mindset and look forward to the progress you are going to see..

Body Composition Matters

“Did you know that 1 pound of fat takes up more space and is bigger than 1 pound of muscle?”

Not only is muscle smaller and more powerful, muscle tissue will burn 7 to 10 calories daily per pound, while fat burns 2 to 3 calories daily per pound

What Does This Have to do with My Scale?

Do you have a body composition scale? No? Well, no worries, I have one for my clients to use! You need to know what's happening. Some folks get discouraged when gaining a pound when they just worked so hard for a few days or a week. Guess what? If it's MUSCLE that is big progress. But, how would you know that with a scale that just shows pounds?

Step on Your Scale & Get Inspired

Knowledge is power! SEE what is really happening & you are learning to work with your body's composition (make up) and feel motivated to keep meeting your goals!


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