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By 4pm, 80% of Americans do not know what is for dinner that very night! Is that you?

Oh goodness was this me!! Working a corporate job, getting home late and then thinking, what the heck is for dinner.

That often lead to poor choices since something healthier would have taken time to prepare & an hour to cook. But by then, I didn't have the energy to do that, nor the time since I wanted to spend that time seeing my kiddos as they were in day care all day! What I figured out is that if you can take just as little as an hour on the weekend or early in the week to get planned and get ahead, you break the cycle!

It's time to BREAK the cycle!

If you keep in the routine of not planning ahead, here's what happens.

Your "input" is going to be poor food choices based on a lack of time to plan. Thus your body's "output" will be less energy, possibly headaches, poor digestive function and more!

But, if you can BREAK THE CYCLE and see your "input" as proper fuel, now you'll have more energy to get ahead, plan and make the bet choices for your ultimate healthy life.

Is "breaking the cycle" easy? For some people, it can be. Whereas, for many, it's a big first step. Although with guidance, support and having me by your side to see your thru, it is not only possible, but it can be a reality!

Now, I am not stressed at the end of the day! I know either something was already prepped and ready, it's there to pop in the over, or it's cooking on the counter in a crock pot! How great to come home and have a delicious meal just waiting for you! Ahhhhhhhhhh! Yes!


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